Friday, August 29, 2008

Election News

The election is on my mind. . . looks like it's going to be on my blog as well. Last night I could hardly sleep, partly in disbelief of the DNC crowd's near worship of Obama and partly in anticipation of McCain's announcement today.

Driving to work today the sunrise was amazing. I just kept looking at the sky thinking "No matter what happens in the next three months, God is still in control."

I asked my mom to call me with the announcement as soon as she heard. My phone was set to silent and I looked down to see my mom's number pop up on the screen right as one of my customers said "They just made an announcement. Do you want to know?"

Throughout the day I talked to my mom to find out what was being said on the news and to learn more about Sarah Palin. And the words I've used most since then have been "I'm so excited. I'm so excited!" Here's one reason why: I think a lot of people plan to vote for Obama not because of his record or policy, but so they can have a vote in history-in-the-making. And now history-in-the-making is on both sides. Now it comes back to what the candidates stand for and who is qualified to lead our country. The playing field is even. Let election season begin!

1 comment:

Richard said...

I must say, that as quiet as you are, your are very insightful. Becoming a writer appears to be natural. Most writers, I don't get what they say half the time. Your points of view are direct and down to earth. Thanks for posting your thoughts. It is nice to see the "vocal" side of you.