Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I'm over whiny adults. When I worked at a school, I ate lunch with a group of teachers who talked a lot about how students don't show any respect for authority. "Because the teacher said so" was no longer a good enough reason to behave, to study, etc. We wondered where this lack of respect for authority all started. And then one day politics became the topic of conversation and I knew exactly where it started. As I sat and listened to a group of grown women call the president of our amazing country school-yard names, I thought "Hello! Where is our respect for authority?"
Here are some things we seem to need reminders of:
1. One man alone is not solely responsible for every situation in a country. It takes advisors, committees and counsel. One administration cannot work independent of the past administration; they build on each other.
2. We are adults. Our speech should reflect that. When you don't agree with your boss at work, do you call him names? Do you start a conversation about him with anyone who will listen so you can have one more chance to make your opinion known? Can we not voice concerns without resorting to the names we called our brothers and sisters in elementary school?
3. We have freedoms. Other countries would not even allow the freedom to be as disrespectful as we are. How lucky we are to even have a president and not a dictator daring us to speak ill of him.
4. There is a bigger picture. Are you paying more for gas and groceries? Me too. Have you been attacked by terrorists in your homeland? Didn't think so.
5. We are the envy of many. We take our citizenship for granted; others would give up everything for an opportunity to call themselves United States citizens. Those on the outside looking in clearly see what we've forgotten--that we are living in a great country!
Everyday I'm more proud of this country and more grateful to be a part of it. If you feel you need to complain about America, just know that you'll find no audience with me.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What'd I just say??

Ever have those moments when you say something totally applicable to the moment, only to later think "did I really just say that?" I had that experience twice tonight while babysitting.
#1. "Boys, I'm just not sure a lasso is an inside toy."
#2. "Why do you have to put them back on?? Because it's just not polite to take your underwear off at the dinner table. That's why."