Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Most of you, "my readers" :) , probably know my friends Todd and Leeanne. Just in case you don't, they have four kids: two daughers and two (adopted) sons. Last Sunday night our church observed the Lord's Supper. The girls were sitting on the first row, Leeanne and the boys were sitting on the second and I was a couple back. I was looking at the boys with their mom and thinking about how lucky they are and how much adoption really means. Just before their adoption became final last summer the girls and me were having a Punky Brewster afternoon (it's okay to be jealous!). The girls started talking about the adoption and Kortney said something that will always stay with me. (Leeanne, I apologize for not telling you this before). Her sister, I'm sure, was talking a mile a minute and Kortney just calmly said, "Erin, all this time I never realized we could have lost them." I was so amazed to listen to this (almost) ten year old grasping the security of adoption.

I don't think we, as adults, grasp the security of our adoption in Christ. As believers we have been adopted by our Savior--it can never be undone, we can never be lost. At work last week we had a conversation concerning suicide and if a person who committed suicide could go to heaven. My answer (which not everyone agreed with) was, "if the person has accepted Christ, absolutely." I have heard this argument so many times: 'Suicide is murder and how could a murderer go to heaven?' A murderer goes to heaven in the same way a liar, a thief, a cheat, a jealous person, any sinner does--the blood of Christ. Deciding which sin(s) will keep a person from heaven is limiting the power of the cross. His blood either covers all sin or none. We don't get to choose. We need to stop underestimating the power of our Savior.

I just finished reading Michael Catt's "Prepare For Rain." He talks about how we try to think outside the box because so many try to put God in a box. I love what he says we all have to learn about the box: There is no box!!


Anonymous said...

THERE is NO box....that is awesome. this is a great blog!

Todd said...
