Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another morning, another article . . .

I feel like some writers have been reading my blog. Ha! Today it is Cal Thomas writing about the election. His article begins with thoughts about undecided voters--that being undecided at this point should be nearly impossible if you've been paying attention at all and that if you haven't you shouldn't vote. I won't include the whole article, since I just did that. But I will quote 4 paragraphs for you:

[on the last debate]
"Why didn't McCain challenge Obama's promise to cut taxes for the middle class? As Jack Kemp and Peter Ferrara wrote in Wednesday's Wall Stret Journal, 20 percent of the middle class pay only 4.4 percent of all federal income taxes, while the bottom 40 percent of earners pay no taxes at all.
To say that only "the rich" should pay more and that those who pay little or no taxes should get a check to make things "fair" is George McGovern redistributionism, even socialism. That economic model was soundly rejected in 1972 and in subsequent elections.
McCain should propose ways to allow more people to become rich. We should reject Obama's plan to penalize those who have worked hard to become well-off. That's real fairness.
Individual initiative, risk-taking, an entrepreneurial spirit and optimism are what built and sustained America through many challenges over the last 232 years. Government can't produce those qualities in any of us. We must produce and renew them in ourselves."

Mr. Thomas also questions why Tom Brokaw didn't ask tougher questions during the debate, including questions about Senator Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers. I've read some debate that Senator Obama's association with Bill Ayers is not close enough anymore to really be concerned about. Excuse me, but just having someone who is anti-America with a terrorist background (Ayers) think a candidate (Obama) is a good choice for our next president is red-flag enough for me.

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