Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Creepy Old Men

A lot of my friends already know this, but just in case you don't, here's an interesting tidbit about me: I wear an "engagement ring" at work. I was getting some pretty interesting comments from customers as the new girl, so my mom suggested I wear the ring my grandmother gave me which has an interesting story itself. Anyway, the guys who think they are sneaky point to your name plate and ask if it's your married or maiden name. One time I asked a customer if there was anything else I could do for him and he answered with, "well, what time do you get off?" But the oddest was the man who told me that I was very efficient and then asked if my husband appreciated that quality. So I started wearing the ring. I never said anything about it, just started wearing it. And, magically, the comments stopped. But today I had an 87 year old man tell me he left his glasses at home. That's pretty innocent...unless you follow it with "I guess I'll go home and get them and come back so I can get a better you." I, apparently, am hot stuff with the over 60 crowd. Now if I could just get that godly guy my age to be so bold. :) (Rylee is becoming concerned that I won't get married before she's too old to be a flower girl. Sunday she made sure that if she's grown up when I get married that she could still be in my wedding. I love that girl. Oh, the way her mind works!! ")


Todd said...

That's my girl!!! Oh my child. Sorry, but I guess she was securing her spot. Don't forget about the boys under 10...they think you are pretty cool too!

leahjaine said...

I just want you to know that I will never be to old to be a flower girl and I'm thinkin that if rylee knew that she would agree. I also want to go ahead and secure my spot. I love you. I love your mind.

Anonymous said...
