Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's Snowing!!

As part of my job, I'm in training downtown. The company provides a parking pass to students--for a garage a few blocks away from class. It's suggested that we be parked by 8 to have time to catch the free trolley and be in class by 8:30. If you know me, you know that sounds like being 30 minutes early and that's just not something I do. (Except for when I was little and rode with my grandmother. Back then, 30 minutes early was on time.) So I usually plan to make it to the garage by 8:15 and walk. Walking, believe it or not, is faster than riding the trolley. The Wednesday before Valentine's Day was a cold morning. My 8:15 plan turned into the 8:25 plan, so I was late before I ever started the walk. But it didn't bother me much--I wasn't going to let it ruin my walk. I look forward to the walk--it's so quiet in the morning. There are people out & about, but it's still so quiet. And there are so many things about downtown you miss if you're always just driving by. So I was enjoying my walk and thinking that the only thing that would make it better would be snow.
You know how Jesus was always answering questions that weren't asked out loud? He answered my thoughts. I saw a snowflake and thought I was crazy. But then I saw another and another. By the time I got to class I was passing people under umbrellas. (I don't understand umbrellas in the snow.) But umbrellas & all, it was just a "movie-magic" kind of walk. When I got to class I felt like the other girls were feeling bad for me, being the late kid. But I wouldn't have missed it. I may have been the late kid, but I was the kid who had a perfect walk in the snow that fell just for her.
So I was thinking...
"The heavens declare the glory of God,
the skies proclaim the work of His hands,
Day after day they pour forth speech,
night after night they display knowled.
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world."
Psalm 19:1-4
God is so good in the little things. And I absolutely don't deserve it. Because of a fluke power outage this afternoon I got to spend time with some special people I don't get to see enough. And when I got home. . . it was snowing.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Moving Days

And friends are friends forever
if the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'cause the welcome will not end
though it's hard to let you go
in the Father's hands we know
that a lifetime's not too long
to live as friends.
--Michael W. & Deborah Smith
Two of my friends have known for a while that they would be moving. One is moving to South Carolina and one to Manitoba. Both were planning to move 'whenever things worked out.'
Things worked out. At the same time. One made the move to SC two Saturdays ago and the other is heading north later today. Their moves have given me a lot to think about.
So I Was Thinking...
I know Canada is further, but Carolina really bothered me. My soon-to-be-Canadian friend and I share a pretty special friendship, that only even came about because of Christ and His plan. When I felt like I was losing friends (more moving...) I really was gaining a family of new friends; all a part of God's plan I just couldn't see yet. As far away as Manitoba is, I know Leah and her family will always be a part of my life. Our relationship with Christ makes me confident of that. We will always have the most important thing in common, no matter what country we're in. That's why SC bothers me. What me and SC have in common is temporary; she is not a Christian. Those things we did have in common-job, location, etc-are now gone. I've been here before too; friendships not made complete in Christ fizzle out, even with the best intentions.
That Saturday morning was hard for me, because I didn't get to see her before she left. I missed two opportunities to see her that week. I was too busy. Here's the thing--I was busy with good stuff, church stuff, ministry stuff. I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't mean for me to be so busy inside the church that I didn't have time to be in the world. Yes, we need to be serving His church, but He needs us in the world too. What if I missed an opportunity to share more about my Jesus? I'm so fortunate--I'm going to have another chance to see her in Knoxville, but one day a visit will be the last visit. I want to be able to look back and know I made time for her. I've prayed for her to have a friend in her new community that will be able to share Christ with her. But that prayer hit me--what if someone else was praying for her to have that friend in Knoxville and i missed it? I don't feel like I missed opportunities when I was with her. No, I never went through an official gospel presentation. But I tried to open with my life. I just wonder if I could have done more.